What Makes IVO Systems Better Than Using Spreadsheets?

In heavy civil construction operations, efficient data management is crucial. Understanding where your primary assets (people and equipment) are and where they're going is critical to efficiently completing projects. While many construction companies handle this with spreadsheets, IVO Systems is designed to simplify your operations management, saving you both time and money. Here's how IVO Systems can enable this efficiency, and why investing in software made specifically for the heavy civil construction industry is more effective than using broad programs like Excel or Google Sheets:


Static/Outdated Excel Files

One of the biggest complaints we hear from Excel users is the inability for several people to edit Excel files simultaneously. When one person edits and updates the Excel file, everyone else in the company will still have the older version until the new one gets sent to them or uploaded to a shared folder. We’ve had customers say that their old Excel spreadsheets were already inaccurate by the time they were sent out and received by employees in the field. Things change every seven minutes in heavy civil construction. IVO Systems, unlike Excel, allows everyone in your company to always have the most up-to-date information about equipment, scheduling, and more. Changes to your data update automatically, for everyone, all at once.

Time Savings Equals Cost Savings

By saving time on data entry and error correction, IVO Systems can significantly reduce your operational costs. When things change in the field, look no further than the IVO Systems platform. Instead of making countless phone calls and wasting hours of valuable time, all the information needed is readily available in IVO Systems - you're able to send instant, customizable text or email notifications to reach your workers in the field. This efficiency translates into substantial cost savings for your company.

The Challenges of Manual Data Entry

Without additional external programs, integrating live telematics data into Google Sheets or Excel is challenging. To maintain accurate, comprehensive records, you would need to manually enter data from each of your telematics' platforms daily, including:

  • Equipment locations
  • Meter readings
  • Idle time
  • Fuel data
  • Utilization reports

This manual process is not only time-consuming but also prone to errors. IVO Systems aggregates telematics data from any provider (OEM or third party), reducing the risk of user error and freeing up your time to focus on being proactive rather than reactive.

Mobile-Friendly and Always Up to Date

Unlike Excel and Google Sheets, which have mobile apps but can be cumbersome to use on phones, IVO Systems is extremely mobile-friendly. It allows everyone, both in the office and the field, to access the most up-to-date information simply by pulling out their phone.

Since IVO Systems operates as a "web app," you don't have to worry about updates. IVO Systems is always current. Additionally, older devices that may have restrictions on app store downloads are not an issue. As long as your device can access the internet, you can operate IVO Systems seamlessly.


Access to Historical Data

With IVO Systems, users can easily view historical records and data. This functionality allows you to leverage past data to make informed decisions about the future. Authorized users can also track changes within the system, see who made updates, who has viewed notifications, and when these actions took place, ensuring transparency and accountability. IVO reports provide valuable insights to help improve your strategic decision making.

Limitations of Excel Add-Ins

While there are some Excel add-ins, such as Data Streamer, that handle importing live data, they are not designed for telematics. These add-ins typically support single device, wired connections, whereas telematics devices usually communicate over wireless cellular networks. This makes the add-ins unsuitable for comprehensive telematics data integration.


Your Assets Are Not Formulas

Spreadsheets require complex formulas input by users, which can lead to errors that render sections or entire spreadsheets useless. Furthermore, people and equipment in field operations cannot be reduced to mere formulas. Field conditions are dynamic and often unpredictable. IVO Systems is built to display and communicate these changes efficiently, helping you achieve conflict-free operations.



IVO Systems offers a robust solution for managing your construction and field operations data. By offering historical data access, aggregated telematics data, and a mobile-friendly, always-up-to-date platform, IVO Systems ensures your operations run smoothly, saving you time and money. Make the switch from spreadsheets to IVO Systems and experience the difference in efficiency and reliability.


Ready to make the switch? Learn more on a demo today.